For a second forget about everything & think about her.
Who is she?
She is the one who will be okay for bleeding every week in a
month for more than half of her life, because it gives her satisfaction that
one day she will have you. She is the one who won’t care about her body not at
all about her outgrowing womb for complete 9 Months or may be all her life
because of bad health issues just to bring you alive. She would bear the enormous
pain just to bring you in this world. She won’t mind waking up all day &
night just to look after you & feed you even though it would be aching all
over her body. Even most of the times she will fulfil your needs & greed’s before
you will really ask for it.
So what, it is okay? It is her duty to do all this. Every
woman does this.
But why is she doing
this. What makes her go crazy?
This craziness is about her peace of mind. We the children
give her the unconditional happiness which she can ever ask for. For the first
time after the birth when she takes her baby in her lap, it’s the most
satisfied & cherishing moment of her life. She is okay with sacrificing almost
anything & everything she has because her baby is her biggest asset. She won’t
hesitate for once while tearing her body just to keep you warm.
She is the MOTHER. A
true & real face of god. Respect her, Adore her never hurt her because no
one will love & affectionate you like she do!!