Wednesday 22 March 2017

What is Happening to this World?

Knock Knock! Are you really There?                            

What is Happening to this World?                           

This is a shout Out to all the people out there! This life what we are living is beautiful in every sense. No matter at present how much sad or stressed you are, but surely it will pass!                                                                              

Nothing is permanent! After every sorrow comes smile! After every happiness comes pains & the cycle goes on and on! If you are really upset & worried about anything then just for once think about the bigger picture, is this sadness worth it? Coz at the end this will pass & a new day will come!               

As we all know that life is too short to worry! So make a promise to yourself that no matter whatever comes, you will be thankful for it, no matter how sad you are but you will always look at the bigger picture of this shall pass!                                                                                   

Nothing remains for forever, not even our life's, so why not live it to the fullest. Just Be Thankful, Be Grateful, Be Happy coz this shall Pass too😘😇.                                  

 (P.S: Bhabumoshaye, Jindagi Badi Honi Chaiye, Lambi Nayi) 

Thursday 7 July 2016


While training shoulder Three "DELTOIDS" are trained & with that we have to focus on strengthening "ROTATOR CUFF"                    

Deltoids are trained as follows: 

For training anterior deltoid following are the exercises.  
*Front Raise   
 Its an Isolation exercise, 
helps in shoulder flexion.    


*OVER HEAD PRESS (Dumbbell or Barbell)   

Its an Compound exercise,
 helps in Shoulder Over head abduction.    


2. MIDDLE DELTOID.                                               
For training middle deltoid following are the exercise.                                                                 

 *SIDE RAYS (Dumbbell or Cable).                         
Its an isolation exercise, helps in Shoulder-Abduction. 


*UPRIGHT ROW (Barbell or Cable).                 
Its an compound exercise,
 helps Shoulder-Abduction.       

3. POSTERIOR DELTOID                                           

For training posterior deltoid following are the exercises. 


 Its an isolation exercise, 
helps in Shoulder-Horizontal Abduction.        


Above written are the complete exercise for training all three deltoids of shoulder. 
Often people focus on training Middle & Anterior Deltoid only, which causes deformity of the shoulder. Always complete the shoulder by training all three Deltoids including Posterior.                                              

 (Note: Finish One deltoid exercises & then  start with second deltoid which gives the maximum result).    

^^^** ROTATOR CUFF.     


 In all the above exercises of shoulder "Rotator Cuff" acts as a stabiliser & perform all the rotation with ease, 
so its mandatory to train Rotator Cuff as well.                                  

The muscles in the rotator cuff include:
  • Teres minor
  • Infraspinatus
  • Supraspinatus
  • Subscapularis.                                                                                                                                   

  • Three muscles "Supraspiantus", "Infraspinatus" & "Teres Minor" helps in shoulder External Rotation.                             For training these 3 Muscles exercise to be performed is " PASSIVE EXTERNAL ROTATION".   

  • The fourth one "Subscapularis" helps in Shoulder Internal Rotation. Exercise to perform this muscle is "PASSIVE INTERNAL ROTATION"                 

  •  Things To Remember: Shoulder is the most mobile joint of the body & most unstable too. 

Sunday 19 June 2016

Biceps Theory (Anterior Arm Muscle).

While training the Biceps we train three Major Muscles in the Biceps.  
  1. Biceps Brachii.                                                  
 (Long Head & Short Head).     
 2. Brachialis.      
 3. Brachio Radials                  

For Starting Bicep Workout, Keep this quick hacks in mind to get the maximum effect.       
For Training BRICEPS BRACHII, following are the exercises: 


* Incline Dumbblle Curl                                             
Which helps in ELBOW-FLEXION                                          
It train the Long Head of the Biceps Brachii.     
(Remember Long head helps to increase the length of Biceps)                                               

* Preacher Curl:                                                             

which helps in ELBOW-FLEXION.                                                              It train the short head of Biceps Brachii.           
 (Remember Short head helps to increase the size of the biceps)    


 * Barbell Curl or Cable Curl.              
Which helps in ELBOW-FLEXION.                      
It train both head of the muscles           
{Note: While training Briceps Brachii, 
Your grip should always keep the supine grip i.e facing the ceiling}    

For Training BRACHIO RADIALIS following are the Exercises}       

* Hammer Curl    
 It helps in ELBOW-FLEXION.                                                                 
{Note: While training Brachioradialis
 always keep the Hammer Grip i.e side grip of the hands}.  

For training BRACHIALIS, following are the exercises.  

* Reverse Curl.                                                 
 It helps in ELBOW-FLEXION                           
 {Note: while training Brachialis,
always keep the prone grip, i.e: towards the ground).     

With the above exercises you can train your Biceps.     

 Always remember when you start training one muscle group then finish it completely & then start with the other one.                         
 For Eg:
If you start with BICEPS BRACHII then finish all the exercises first i.e Incline Dumble Curl, Preacher Curl & Arm curl & after then only move to another group either Brachioradialis or Brachialis.     

  {Always be scientific while training any muscle group for maximum effect & to prevent Injuries}.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Hector & Search of Happiness❤️.

After reading so many books & watching a lot of movies, i came across this beautiful Movie : HECTOR & SEARCH FOR HAPPINESS.

We should concern ourselves not with the pursuit of happiness but with the happiness of pursuit.  

               The search for happiness.       


1. Making comparison can ruin your happiness.    


2. A Lot of people think happiness is being richer or more important.         


3. Many people see happiness only in their future.            


4. Happiness could be the freedom to love more than one partner at the same time.         

5. Sometimes, happiness is not knowing the whole story.          


6. Avoiding unhappiness is not the road to happiness.          


7. Ask, does this person bring you predominantly: up or down?          


8. Happiness is answering your calling.               


9. Happiness is being loved for who you are. 

10. Fear is impediment to happiness.             


 11. Happiness is feeling completely alive.      

 12. Happiness is knowing how to celebrate.   

13. Listening is loving.            


All these can be helpful to find happiness, May be in your context something can be different & way better, So don't forget to share your state & idea of  happiness <3                                                                  

Tuesday 1 March 2016

It's Not What you Say, but about How you say it.

 Just a Thought, instead of saying,

Oh My God.: The Can is Full of Trash, 
try saying.
It would be really great if you could empty the trash, honey.      
In a psychological way, this technique is called "FRAMING".    
For an example.
 Statement A: This XYZ product is 99% Fat Free.                                   
Statement B: This XYZ product contains 1% Fat.                                                                      

Which statement, would you choose ?
Most of the people will be appalled by statement A, because it has much appealing power of listening  & gives a great imagination to the listener.                                                

 Now, have you ever wonder, when you say something or talk about something relevant. Things that effect in a positive way is just because how you say it.                            
Obviously, what you say matters, but it only effects when you say it, in a manner which hear good to other person's ears.                        

 Also, Technique of Framing, helps you attain the inner peace. Forget about how other person thinks about it, just focus saying things in a positive way gives you satisfaction.
It develops healthy Habit of  talking in a respectful & polite manner.          

Always remember, living beings, react  to identical situations, depending on how they are presented.                                                                
If a message is communicated in a different way, it will also be received in  different ways.

 Positive manner will give Positive effect. 
Negative manner will give negative effect. 

Thursday 14 January 2016

Law Of Attraction.

Law Of Attraction.                                                       
A Lot of People already know about this, but still a Little Gesture.                                           
What You Wish For, You Achieve.                        
Life is Defiantly not in your control, Agreed.     
But why do you want to control it? Why not Just Rule it & Let it Roll?        
For a Moment think about your Life Till Now.      
Hmmmm? What Do You See?       
You have got what you attracted.       
Still not Believe me?                                            
Okay, Try It Now; For Next 7 Days.                    
Think about the little small things you can get in a days or two's time. Start attracting them in your mind. Believe, inside you that you have got it, let no negativity comes in your way.    
Day & Night, Minutes & Second Think about it, do your activities in a direction that it takes you to it.                                                      
 A single second of negativity & thought that it is impossible will delay it, Let nothing affect you.                                                           
Then See the Results.                                           

Its not about just the big things in life, it can be the smallest of the entity. Like that particular food, Dress, Movie etc etc, In short anything & Everything.                                 

It is a Simple Law which proves the power of attraction.      
 If you attract positivity, positivity comes.            
 If you attract negativity, negativity comes.     

Keep it simple, Dream Big.                                    
Follow your Bliss & Count Your Blessings.      

Trust me, People, I am not just writing it just for the sake of it. It is a proven law, I have personally experienced it in my life & it has done wonders;)        
Rise above everything, Rise above Impossible, Rise above I can't. 
Test it & See the results.    


Still have doubt what it is, Ping me:).              
Always Happy To Help:)😊

Tuesday 22 December 2015

What makes a marriage successful?

A lot has been said & heard about the institution of marriage. Some belief arrange marriages are more successful than love marriages & vice versa. 

In our society, from so many years the debate is going on, what makes a marriage successful: Love or Arrange?  
Somebody, please take a charge & make people understand, marriage is not merely based on the concept of "Love or Arrange", it is much beyond than this
It is a concept which brings two souls together & make their world a better place. Its success is not based on how it is done but how it is followed.                                      

 Now comes a point of "Broken Marriage" which is the biggest taboo in our society.             
People, its an urge just think for once. If two people get married & then they realize that they are really not meant for each other. Their life's are entirely opposite to each other, so what's the harm in calling it off.      
 Their is isn't an one justified reason to blame people for calling their marriage off.                   

Lets take an oath, with every passing moment we will become more open human, 

Lets make Being Mature & open minded a new fashion.            
 Remember, life is to short, don't regret your choices, just learn to move on & be a better human:).        

Saturday 28 November 2015

Lets be a Helping Hand:)

Often it crosses each one of our mind that why me? As we all live by the rule that we have to live for ourselves no matter what others are suffering through.  

 How difficult it is in today's time to help a stranger, it seems almost impossible to lend a hand to a old person carrying heavy bag, we become blind seeing a child on traffic signals begging for a penny, or paying a visit to a sick person in family. 

Why being kind is becoming so difficult nowadays?  

Why everyone of us have to live a life of suffering?  

Why can't all of us live this short life in a simple way. Being kind to others, helping strangers. Treating everyone equally.  

Imagine a life: No Racism, No Religion, No Cast-ism, Nothing at all, 
Where life can be a simple batter system of giving & receiving love & hope from each other. 

  Hope is something we all live by, so lets give hope to each other.                             

Friday 2 October 2015



We must break free of the seductions of society & live life on our terms, under our own values & aligned with our original dreams. Being true to ourselves is something we can gift our own self.  We have to understand where we have been & know where we are going.  The Power of authenticity is ultimate way for satisfaction


One thing that holds us back is invisible structure of fear. To be successful one have to come out of their comfort zones & face their fears. Every time we step into discomfort of growth & progress, we become freer. The more fear we walk through, the more power we reclaim. Indeed, the greatest risk in life is taking o risks.

  • ·         LIVE WITH KINDNESS
What you think, how you behave is the whole itinerary structure of your body. It is imp to remember that just as our words are our thoughts verbalized, so our deeds are our beliefs actualized. If we disrespect others, we disrespect ourselves. We can make the world better, one person at a time & kindness is the key for that.

The way we do small things determines the way we do everything. Each tiny effort builds on the next, so that brick by brick, magnificent things can be created. The truly wise recognize that small daily improvements always lead to exceptional results over time.

No work can be categorized big or small, right or wrong. There is no insignificant work in the world. All labor is a chance to express personal talents, to create our art and to realize the genius we are built to be. One of the greatest secrets to a life beautifully lived is to work that matters.

It’s a mark of wisdom to choose to spend time in those places that inspire & energize you & associate with those people who elevate and uplift you. We do not move through our days alone or apart from this world around us.

Most people do not discover what’s most imp in life until they are too old to do anything about it. Life is not about materialistic things only, it about the memories you create while this journey called life. As we enjoy the simplest things our happiness grows. Our gratitude expands.

This life is way too short for hatred. How well you live comes down to how much you love. The heart is always wiser than the head.

Monday 7 September 2015

No One dies alone...

No one dies alone, with every death dies a family, dies every memory, dies every moment spent together.        
True that the one who is born will die one day.      
Then why a death hurts so much?      

 This whole beginning of universe is sometimes questionable.    
 Why do one exists, create memory & then leave the world?         
So what happens when a person dies.         

The body does't go into non existence, because there's no such thing. It integrates itself into the elements. The human being that is inside you-  the real you- doesn't go into nonexistence either.  
The very word "being" tells you that you will always be!                                                                  
 One is not a human "been"!                          
One is an eternal being living temporarily in a human body.                    

If one stopped existing, there would be ab empty space in the universe, & the whole universe would collapse into the empty space!